MINE TREASURE, YOUR PLEASURE A major aspect of women's ability to network is body image. Many new immigrants are in need of attires that make them feel comfortable and happy to network with their kinds. A good appearance enhances ability to go out and network which is really needed to have access to valuable information that can help them settle productively in Canada. When you donate your gently used clothings to our women, you are contributing towards helping build a woman's confidence to network as network determines networth. Please support this project.


MINE TREASURE, YOUR PLEASURE A major aspect of women's ability to network is body image. Many new immigrants are in need of attires that make them feel comfortable and happy to network with their kinds. A good appearance enhances ability to go out and network which is really needed to have access to valuable information that can help them settle productively in Canada. When you donate your gently used clothings to our women, you are contributing towards helping build a woman's confidence to network as network determines networth. Please support this project.

Mental Health - Developmental Disability with focus on Autism
Key facts by World Health Organization (WHO) Autism – also referred to as autism spectrum disorder ̶ constitutes a diverse group of conditions related to development of the brain. About 1 in 100 children has autism. Characteristics may be detected in early childhood, but autism is often not diagnosed until much later. The abilities and needs of autistic people vary and can evolve over time. While some people with autism can live independently, others have severe disabilities and require life-long care and support. Evidence-based psycho-social interventions can improve communication and social skills, with a positive impact on the well-being and quality of life of both autistic people and their caregivers. Care for people with autism needs to be accompanied by actions at community and societal levels for greater accessibility, inclusivity and support. Learning that a child has been diagnosed with autism is a life-changing moment for loved ones and caretakers, one that can cause a range of emotions and reactions. But the more you understand the world of an autistic person, the more possibilities you see in the him/her. It is not only autistic people who need to learn. The people who don’t have autism or an autistic family member must learn to understand them and be tolerant. Join us in the expository webinar session with experts in the management and provision of support to autistic children and families with autistic children. See details on the flyer.

Black Community Leaders Dialogue on Gender Based Violence
When the Black community Leaders come together to discuss gender based violence, it is fireworks as many dimensions usually ignored were brought to the forefront. 'Men cry too' was echoed in the discussions as well. Even though women go through abuse, there are supports and resources available in developed world unlike what happens in Africa. Unfortunately, those kinds of supports and resources are not readily available for men. They suffer in silence as they have to 'man up', 'grow up', 'behave like men' etc. This was an explosive and enlightening discourse. The Black Community in Canada is coming together to discuss the challenges that Gender Based Violence pose to the Community. We have community leaders and experts who are connecting with the grassroots on daily basis discussing on challenges posed by politics, immigration, settlement, jobs, entrepreneurship, mental health and other issues.

International Women's Day 2023

Sheffanessea and I embraced. We shared our stories about Parent Alienation as victims and understanding that the pains never go away. We dried our tears, embraced and resolved to be strong for others going through Parent Alienation. With tears in our hearts, we stand strong to bring hope to millions. 👊

Community/Organizations Leaders Training on Grant Writting.

A major aspect in getting funding for programs and businesses is through Grant. Many organizations struggle through this.  To fill this gap, GWA organized a training session with Executives of Organizations and community leaders who were expected to pass the knowledge on. This was very well received in the African community and delivered by a very experienced Trainer and supported by President of Global Women Ambassadors, it was a fun learning time and follow up has been great.

Funds for Black Entrepreneurs

This program was organized to sensitize women entrepreneurs and SME's to learn about a grant that was available for grabs in the black community. The program was a success and Andrea was able to eloquently give the information and support needed. We are always happy to support our women entrepreneurs.

Free Santa Claus Gifts for Kids 

Global Women Ambassadors partners with different organizations to deliver services to reach the people that really need to be touched. In collaboration with Lifetorch Ministry, gifts and toys were given away at Christmas to make mothers and their kids smile. It was indeed a great project as this covered an area where the need was very high.

Annual Toys for Kids

Every year, Global Women Ambassadors puts smiles on faces of our children by giving them toys during Christmas. We have given away over 10,000 toys since the beginning of this program in 2019. Mothers and children have expressed heartfelt gratitude over the years. Please partner with us for the coming Christmas. Kindly donate new toys or money and register in advance to volunteer for packaging and distribution. 

Global Women Ambassadors Canada is a women based organization that offers services mainly to women. The GWA Diversity Hub will offer support to women entrepreneurs, professionals and leaders with materials as may be needed to encourage them to succeed in all their endeavors.


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